Meet Hoju


It all started with an idea. How can we craft a spirit that brings people together from all walks of life? A drink that is as enthralling as it is effortless. An experience that waves away the mundane and takes you on an adventure. An adventure where the rich history of Korea meets the hardy harvest lines of Aussie farms and the quality produce our farmers are renowned for.

Ho-ju {Korean translation: “Aussie”} So-ju

Yep, it’s an Aussie adventure alright.

Meet Paul and Damo. Cootamundra charisma mixed with North Melbourne mettle.

Just a couple of mates now living near the beach. Pretty average surfers who are always willing to give things a crack. An attitude that lives deep down in their bones.

Over many years, their mateship was cemented with business trips to Southeast Asia. Working all hours, side by side, helping alcohol companies — from the global players to the family-owned — bring their brands to life. And as the years trickled by, they never wavered from their regular surfing sessions, paddling through the Cronulla swell, towards their next big adventure.

So who could be surprised? When, after years of champing at the bit, the pair inadvertently opened the doors on an adventure of their own. It was a warm Autumn night on George Street. Chasing a feed before heading off to a gig, the bustling Korean BBQ that met them delivered on every promise and more.

But it was the swirl of the soju that stayed with them. And it’s the swirl of the soju that they’ve been surfing ever since.

A Korean Classic

Soju is a clear, mid-strength, Korean spirit traditionally distilled from rice through a process that dates back to the 13th Century.

Australia’s Best

Hoju Soju only uses the finest quality Australian products to proudly craft a unique all Aussie spin on an Old Seoul Classic.

Korean Etiquette

Traditionally, the eldest (or highest ranking) person will pour the first shot. Receive a drink with both hands. Never pour your own drink. Always pour with both hands.


Move over green bottles, this is how we do it Down Under. The best of everything (inside and out) has been selected to represent Aussie Soju.

All Australian by nature…


…the country’s finest grains, distilled.


Our Farmers are the Best.

Delivering an Aussie spin on an old Seoul Classic…


…that truly tastes like home.


Meet the people and places behind Hoju Soju →